Friday, March 09, 2007



This is very likely the last entry I will write for this blog. I have enjoyed it and I hope you have also. It is with regret that I see it draw to a close.

The reason is that I have less and less time and energy to do it justice.

Some time ago I learned my 22-yr-old grandson (who for 3 years has lived as a homeless person on the streets of a large city on the West Coast) had become a heroin addict and in his own words had "hit bottom." His emails from a library computer expressed a desperate desire to get his life straightened out and find his place in the world.

My wife and I helped him get to Florida and took him in to our home to live.

I'm happy to report that for 2 months he has been drug free and rebuilding his health. I was greatly relieved when his medical tests for STDs and HIV came back negative.

I have to drive him everywhere he needs to go for odd jobs, etc., and this is very tme consuming and energy draining for me.

All of which goes to say that I no longer can devote time to maintain this blog.

Naturally, however, I will always welcome your emails at any time, on any subject. I will answer you.

All the best to all of you,



Blogger MarĂ­a said...

dankon pro la blogo, mi relegos, ankoraux, mi petas, ne malaperigu gxin.
MI deziras cxion bonan por vi kaj via familio.
Kaj, gxis baldaux.

8:36 PM  
Blogger keen101 said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed this blog. I has given hope and inspiration where needed. Dankon. I will continue in my quest of learning Esperanto.

12:25 AM  

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