Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Zamenhof proposed a philosophy he called (in Esperanto) "Homaranismo" (NOT "Humanism"). His small book on the subject is for sale at

Although everything that Zamenhof wrote on this subject is worth reading, the most useful single source is the pamphlet published in 1913. The text is divided into ten sections, each of which describes one fundamental principle of Homaranismo. From this text I have identified twelve main points and although this is a very brief summary, it may suffice to give you an idea of the complete doctrine.

The twelve main points of the Homaranismo manifesto

1. Treat the human race as one family.
2. Let this ideal guide all of your actions.
3. Do not judge any individual according to his racial origin but according to his behaviour and actions.
4. Any country does not belong exclusively to any one racial group but to all of its inhabitants equally.
5. Do not try to force your own language or religious faith on to other people.
6. The concept of humanity should be superior to that of nationality.
7. Define patriotism as service to a regional fraternal community. Never use it to justify hatred towards other people.
8. Language should be considered as a means and not an end in itself.
9. Use a neutral language to communicate with people whose native language is different from your own.
10. Let your own religion be a matter of personal choice and not something forced on you by your ethnic background.
11. In dealing with people with a different cultural background be governed by principles of common humanity and helpfulness.
12. In dealing with all members of the human race, try to promote sentiments which will unite and not divide.

The crucial point is that regarding "a neutral language," which is to say, Esperanto.

Esperanto is neutral regarding religion and politics, but it is not neutral regarding ethics. Its ethic is the internal idea.


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